Wednesday, January 9, 2008


One of the programme of Rede Feto supported by the Government of Finland and Irish Aid is to promote women’s rights and gender equality in school and out-of-school youth and children. With the out- of- school group, Rede Feto through its members FMF, GFFTL and PAS, conducted a training for women of council of villages and husbands and wives in villages in 3 the districts. The total number of participants who undertook the training were 805 from December 2007 until May 2008. The GFFTL conducted training to 231 participants in Baucau district. From the 231, women are 125 and men are 106. PAS conducted training to 367 participants in Dili district. From the 367, men are 180 and women are 187. FMF conducted training to 207 participants in Liquica district. From 207 participants, 100 were women and 107 men. Rede Feto has planed to conduct training to students and teachers on human rights and gender equality in the same three districts.

Meeting with the Minister of Education to integrate of human rights and gender equality into the school curriculum

The Program Officer of human rights and gender equality together with the Executive Director of Rede Feto met with the Minister of Education to discuss the possibility of integrating human rights and gender equality in the curriculum and to conduct training for teachers and students on these topics. It was agreed that Rede Feto and the Minister of Education will sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to implement the programmes in schools in the three pre-selected districts.



Site Info

All informations on this site is prepared by Information, Communication and Publication Office of Rede Feto for public access information.

Rede Feto Timor Leste

Secretariat of East Timor Women Network NGO FORUM / FONGTIL Kompleks, Caicoli Dili - Timor Leste Phone : +(670) 3317405 Email :

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