Thursday, January 3, 2008


Training of trainers conducted for the technical staff

A training of trainers on strategic planning, management, conduct of fundraising activities, and on writing project proposals and reports was conducted for the Executive Body of Rede Feto . It was agreed that the Executive Body will prepare a module for the training sessions that were facilitated by the Advisor of Progressio. The Executive Body and Advisor of Progressio were invited by other organizations and government line ministries and departments to conduct sessions on strategic planning for their staff members. The Executive Director was also invited by several organizations to conduct training on gender equality and women’s rights. These efforts in extending support to other organizations and partners were realized by Rede Feto as another way of sustaining the network. The initiative built and strengthened the capacity of the Secretariat and its members, provided support to various development partners and an opportunity to further increase collaboration with more organizations, and with the aim of sourcing funds for the sustainability of the network.

As a result of the initiatives in providing training support to partners, Rede Feto was able to form a team responsible for capacity building activities for groups and organizations. The capacity building support covers the conduct of an assessment of women organizations/groups in political parties to be able to assess their needs. On the basis of the needs and problems identified, the appropriate capacity building interventions were identified and enabled Rede Feto to train the women’s organizations/groups of political parties.

Established an information, communication and publication programme

In line with the information, communication and publications requirements of Rede Feto, an Information and Communication Officer was recruited to be responsible of the information and communication programme of the Secretariat and provide support to its members. The Information and Communication Officer started with the task of managing the Rede Feto website programme, the documentation of best practices and implementation of the database and media programme. The new staff commenced work at the Secretariat in July 2007. The information that are made available to Rede Feto and its NGO members were received or collected, collated and prepared in close collaboration with the Capacity Building Officer and Administration Officer of Rede Feto. The Capacity Building Officer has been working on the compilation of data about the different organizations and submits to the Info/Com Officer to be inputted in the database.

- Publication of best practices by Rede Feto members

Salurik is a channel for publishing best practices of Rede Feto. It is an opportunity to continuously provide updates on Rede Feto members specifically with information on how each NGO members were established, developed and have survived with the challenges that they are faced with.



Site Info

All informations on this site is prepared by Information, Communication and Publication Office of Rede Feto for public access information.

Rede Feto Timor Leste

Secretariat of East Timor Women Network NGO FORUM / FONGTIL Kompleks, Caicoli Dili - Timor Leste Phone : +(670) 3317405 Email :

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